About Us

In 1997, the men and women of Oxford House restructured Oxford House, Inc. the national 501(c)(3) nonprofit umbrella organization by
creating an independent Board of Directors and World Council electedfrom residents and alumni around the country. This enabled the national board to recruit experienced outside Directors to compliment the residents and alumni making up the democratic self-run organization.
The Chairperson of the elected World Council is an ex-officio member
of the board to assure close coordination between the grassroots
democratic policy making of Oxford House, as a whole, and the organized expansion of the Oxford House movement
The Members listed below were voted in, or reconfirmed by popular vote at the 2019 Oxford House World Convention in Washington DC.
If you would like to be on the World Council watch this page as information about open positions and term lengths will be posted prior to the World Convention

Positions Available as of November 2023

  • 1 Resident Alternate

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